Sign Up
We are a wholesale-only company.
Our state laws require us to verify your resale status.
You need to fill out a form called "Texas Resale Certificate (Form 01-339)" and provide us with your Tax number.
If this is the first time you visit our website and you don't feel comfortable with our sign up process,
you may want to visit our Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
section and find answers there to address your concerns.
You can join our free online wholesale membership
by following these easy steps:
Fill out and email the "Texas Resale Certificate"
to us at sales@timewellcorp.com.
You can download a blank copy of Form 01-339
Create your online account. Click here to
create a new account
Email a copy of you resale tax number to us.  Please include your login ID that you created to expedite the approval process
Call us at 1-469-686-4251 during our business hours.  In most cases, your account will be approved in less than a few minutes.
We understand that our sign up process may sound demanding for many casual web surfers.
However, this process benefits those of you who are legitimate retailers looking for a long-term relationship with a true wholesale supplier.
You can visit our guest book to see how others said about us.
You can also click here to learn more about our company.
The only purpose of filling out "Texas Resale Certificate (Form 01-339)"
is to claim that your purchase is for resale and non-taxable.
You don't need to apply for a Texas tax number in order to purchase from us. 
Once we have your signed form on file, you don't need to send it again for your future purchases.
If you have a tax number from another state, you will still need to fill out "Texas Resale Certificate (Form 01-339)".
There is a field in the form for you to enter your out-of-state tax number.
If you are an international customer, you don't need to fill out the "Texas Resale Certificate". But you need to send us a copy of your local business registration or equivalent document.
Please email the two documents (signed Form 01-339 and your resale Tax number) to sales@timewellcorp.com.
Or you can send them through regular mail.
Existing Customers
If you are our existing customer and we already have your tax number on file, but this is the first time you use our website,
please click here to
create a new account.
After you create it, please call us at 1-469-686-4251 and we will be happy to activate your wholesale account.
Still Having Questions?
If you have more questions about account creation or how to use our website,
please feel free to call us at 1-469-686-4251 or email us at sales@timewellcorp.com.
We will be happy to assist you.